Open your business in the United States

Our office will provide you with all the support you need to open your company. We work with packages for start-ups, trademark and patent registration.

Check out our packages

Starting a business

We help with the EIN: Employer Identification Number registration process for opening your company (no maintenance required).

From U$500

Startup acceleration package

We help you with the entire process of opening your startup in the USA, from LLC registration, tax advice and the company's bank account.

  • Presentation of the project in investment groups
  • Networking with other American companies
  • Customized website for your business
From U$ 2,000

Trademark registration

We help you register your trademark. You can count on us for support in researching and completing the trademark application documentation. From start to finish.

From U$ 990


We help with the patent application process, from the filing to the application of the documentation. From start to finish.

From U$ 990

Here's how we can help

Schedule your initial interview with our team of consultants

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Watch our videos.

Trust and integrity are the principles that guide our actions.

With extensive experience in the field of residence visas for Europe and the United States since 2015, Strobel & Santos has assisted more than 1,000 families in realizing their desire to settle abroad.